An Illustrator can carry out their work within different areas: advertising agencies, publishing houses, design studios, architecture, press, television and as a freelancer specialist in any particular technique or style.
The illustrator would be able to interpret a story providing the most appropriate graphical concept or as a specialist who makes the final touches with a particular graphic technique or style to a sketch provided by another person.
This professional level must be able to work as a freelance professional who understands the details and characteristics of the process and techniques of industrial reproduction. They could be hired, also, as an illustrator in any of the areas mentioned above, television, advertising agencies, publishers, etc. This professional may also create his or her own work for later sale.
Weekly Hours per Subject | 1º | 2º |
Visual representation and expression fundamentals | 4 | – |
Image Theory | 2 | – |
Computer Science | 5 | – |
Photography | 2 | – |
Illustration History | 3 | – |
Applied Spatial Drawing I | 2 | – |
Applied Spatial Drawing II | – | 2 |
Drawing Techniques for Illustration | 6 | – |
Traditional graphic technics | 4 | – |
Design Fundamentals | 4 | – |
Projects on Illustration | – | 8 |
Drawing for Illustration | – | 6 |
Industrial graphic technics | – | 4 |
Digital Laboratory | – | 2 |
Animation | – | 5 |
Economy and entrepreneurship | – | 2 |
Technical English | – | 2 |
Total hours | 32 | 31 |