The school offers advanced vocational training degrees on Art and Design. These cycles are structured in the education system by grouping in Professional Families, although in our web have been grouped by areas of design, since all belong to the areas of Graphic, Interior, Industrial and Fashion Design.
The regulations governing access basically consist of the curricula of each of the training cycles that are taught and of the Order 1669/2009 of 16 April Madrid, published in the BOCM number 107 of May 7 2009.
Until the 2013/2014 school year, educational law regulating training courses in the graphics area was the law of the General Educational System of October 3, 1990, LOGSE.
As a result of adaptation to the following law, the Organic Law 2/2006 of 3 May on Education, LOE modifications occur in the training courses in Artistic Photography, Illustration and Advertising Graphics. The first renamed Photography; the training cycle Illustration keeps its name, and the third was renamed Graphic Print. The superior training cycle of Engraving and Printing remains unchanged. The new LOE cycles are grouped in the artistic professional family of Graphic and Audiovisual Communication.