Admission of students in Professional Training in Visual Arts and Design vocational training courses will be held according to the following position percentages:
a. For those who access directly to Professional Training in Visual Arts and Design intermediate and higher levels, under the third provision of this Resolution shall be reserved 50 per cent of places available.
b. For those who meet the academic requirements and pass the specific test to Professional Training in Visual Arts and Design intermediate and higher levels, according to the second provision of this Resolution shall be reserved for 30 per cent of places available. 5 per cent of these places will be reserved for athletes attesting status of high performance or top-level athlete, meet the corresponding academic requirements and pass the specific test, as provided in Article 9.4 of Royal Decree 971 / 2007 of 13 July on high performance and high-level athletes.
c. For those who do not meet the academic requirements and pass the admission test to Professional Training in Visual Arts and Design intermediate and higher levels, according to the fourth provision of this Resolution shall be reserved 20 per cent of places available.
Not allocated places shall increase the remaining ones in the following order:
a. Those corresponding to sub-paragraphs b) and c) will increase the reserve of subparagraph a).
b. Those corresponding to sub-paragraph a) will increase the reserve of subparagraph b).
c. Those corresponding subparagraphs a) and b) will increase the reserve of subparagraph c).
The allocation of places for each of the reserves established in paragraph 1 shall be determined by the following criteria:
For those accessing to places referred to in subparagraph a) in paragraph 1, pursuant to pre-enrolment order of receipt.
For those accessing to places referred to in subparagraphs b) and c) of paragraph 1, through the best score on the corresponding admission test. For this purpose, places will be firstly allocated to those who pass the admission exam in the academic year referred to by the academic program, and at the school applied to. If there were vacancies, these will be allocated according to the following order of preference:
1. Applicants who have passed the admission exam at the school where applying and in previous calls.
2. Applicants who have passed the admission exam at a different school and during the academic year of the call.
3. Applicants who have passed the admission exam at different school in different central and previous calls.