A different test for each specific training cycle will be performed.
To be eligible for entrance exams to Vocational Training is necessary to complete a document in the Office of the School, called Pre document. This document is available online at School/Forms from the main menu link.
The materials needed to perform each exercise will be communicated in advance each year in the school bulletin boards, and if possible on the website.
The form for paying the fees and charges, known as model 030, can be obtained in person at the school or on the web madrid.org in the following location:
Online payment of public prices
In this link you can find the form for online completion. The test fee may vary each year. You can see how to carry out the process in this help document.
User’s guide in obtaining payment of public prices form
Once completed, it can be paid electronically or by printing the document and paying it at any branch of banks that provide the collection service of the Community of Madrid, which are: BBVA, Caja Duero, Bankia, Ibercaja and La Caixa.